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Monday, March 19, 2018

Welcome, Venerable Guest!

I've been thinking again. Many people have a hard time keeping their chin up. They struggle with self-esteem. With liking their bodies, faces, lives, etc. They have a lot more negative self-talk than positive.

I used to fit in this category. I used to always beat myself down and degrade my own ideas. I used to loathe the face and body in the mirror.

What changed? I did. My thoughts. The way I chose to see myself. I chose to lift myself up instead of put myself down! I became my own hero, my own champion! I could help you with the same issue, or any kind of thought-based uplifting you need. Just let me know what you're interested in, as far as a topic.

Write me an email ( with a subject line that says, "Daily Veneration" and tell me within the body of the email whether you'd prefer an email or text, what topic you'd like help with, and how often you'd like that help (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.--you decide!) and I will send you a Veneration that will help you get your mind headed in the right direction!

Friday, March 2, 2018

I've Been Thinking...

Ok, so I know the title is a little scary, but stay with me for a moment. My blogs (yes, I have more than one!) are all completely new and redone. I'm beginning life with an entirely new, clean slate! This began in 2014, when I changed my entire life--pretty much in one day!

Onward and upward! Here we are in the beginning of 2018 and life is wonderful, new, and still changing in some amazing ways! What ways, you might ask? Well, let me tell you! I'm going to be really blunt and upfront with you from the very beginning. Don't say I didn't warn you! LOL

My husband and I are very into the metaphysical, the Law of Attraction, changing your environment with your thoughts or words or intentions, whatever you'd like to call it. If you don't believe this way or you have your doubts or "proofs otherwise", feel free to stick around and read or leave if you so choose, but I wanted you to know what you're getting into before we begin!

So...attracting, intending, creating positive energy--what does that mean or look like? I could use the default "it's different for everyone" explanation, but I won't. Though true, in a sense, there are some things that are true for all of us! Without getting into the science or feelings behind everything I'm mentioning, did you know that our brains are not wired to hear/read/listen to "not" or "no"? No wonder toddlers and infants have to hear it repeatedly before they can comprehend it! What does this mean exactly? It means negativity isn't well-received and isn't handled well by our bodies or brains. It means describing yourself and your life should contain many more descriptions of what you CAN do than of those in which you have a limitation. You are what you "be", not what you "do"! Ignoring the grammar issues, what does that mean to you?

No, I REALLY want to know! Please comment to this post with your conceptions!